Machine KNIT Shawl

Lots of knitting going on here but I haven’t had time to blog. I hope you are also getting lots of knitting done! I have a quick shawl pattern to share. I knit the shawl on the Passap E6000, but you can use any double bed electronic knitting machine and Designaknit. I have included the Wincrea .bmp file too.
This pattern was made from necessity. I needed a quick shawl for a trip I was going on. I literally designed, knit, and washed the shawl a few hours before I was leaving on my trip . Finished width 24″. Finished length 71.” I knit mine in black and light grey so it would go with everything. I added the KNIT text on the borders, but you could delete the text if you don’t want it on yours… You could also shorten the borders on the top and bottom if you wanted to cut off some length…the borders are 4″ on each end if you are knitting in 2/30 yarn.
Machine set up is 80 stitches (40-0-40) double bed and total of 1000 lock passes on the row counter (250 pattern rows). The files are for Designaknit and Wincrea. I knit mine on Passap E6000 knitting machine in double bed jacquard T186. This is a double bed tuck technique which results in a wide width. (If you knit on a different machine or with a different technique, it may end up narrower and shorter.) I used 2 strands 2/30 (2 strands/cones of each color). Both end needles go on the back bed with T186. Tension for cast on 4. Knit tension 4.3. I do use a comb and weight with the T186 tuck pattern.
I have the .stp Designaknit file and Wincrea .bmp file on my Dropbox for you to download. Click HERE to access the files. (You can knit this with 2 strands 2/24 (double strands each color) or one strand (each color) 2/17. (The 2/17 lambswool from Uppingham is nice for UK knitters). Thicker yarn will make a wider/longer shawl if knit with T186.) Also for a wool option in USA, Jaggerspun 2/18 works single strand and the Jaggerspun Heathers 2/8. I do not find the 2/8 to be itchy. It is cheaper than the 2/18 Merino and I love the Heathers colors. You may knit this pattern and sell your knits. Please do not share the files but direct people to my blog for them to download. Thank you.