Wensleydale Lambs

posted in: sheep 0
Wensleydale Lambs

One of my ewes surprised me the other day when she had twins.  I was surprised because when her ultrasound was performed, it only showed a single.

She had a ram and ewe lamb.  The little ewe had a shaky start, but she is doing just fine now.  They are both happy and healthy!

These lambs are from a UK sire and are 95% Wensleydale.

Wensleydale Ram

Art Yarn Add-Ins

I was spinning up some yarn the other day, adding in my typical yarns and fabrics.  I like to add in textured yarns and strips of fabric.  The novelty yarns are usually around fingering weight or a little heavier.

I decided to add some of my art yarn add in’s (or Snippets as I like to call them) in my shop.  I am going to list these in the Etsy shop I share with my sister.  So if you want to be adventurous with your spinning, check them out!  The Snippets are made from top quality yarn/quilt shop fibers and fabrics.

Carding up Some Batts

posted in: Spinning, Uncategorized 4
Smooth Textured Batt

I have been super busy carding up some batts.  I have my Matchless set up on double drive and have been spinning like crazy for a new weaving project I have in mind.

The project I am wanting to weave is a really neat woven hat using the Saori method of weaving.  I got the idea for the hat from Jill of Saori Santa Cruz.  She always has something neat she is working on and the hat really caught my attention.  I hope to have enough yarn spun up soon so I can start weaving!

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