More Handspun

I spun some more yarn today from one of my textured batts. The fibers include: merino, Wensleydale locks, bamboo rayon, firestar, and mulberry silk.
Machine Knitting and everything else...
I spun some more yarn today from one of my textured batts. The fibers include: merino, Wensleydale locks, bamboo rayon, firestar, and mulberry silk.
The shop has been updated with some new batts!! They are fresh off the carder and ready to spin or felt!!
The other day, I was going through a bag of very old knitting stuff (I acquired from a knitter who had passed away) and came across this little gadget. It is called a Daisy Knitter. It was in a small baggie with a pattern and instruction leaflet. It is used to make a type of knit flowers. I guess it is similar to the plastic flower knitters you can buy at the local craft store. The Daisy Knitter is metal and was made in the USA between 1930 and around 1950. It makes a rather stringy little flower. I think it would work for some type of embellishment on a cardigan or a bag of some sort. It is a pretty neat little gadget. I am sure I will find a use for it.